What to Expect
Many people fear that acupuncture will be painful but when performed by a licensed acupuncturist, it should be very relaxing for you. After acupoints have been selected, your skin is cleaned with alcohol. Then a sterilized disposable needle is inserted into the acupoints. The needle itself is very thin (10 acupuncture needles will fit into a traditional hypodermic needle) and in most cases you will not feel any pain. Often you may feel a slight feeling of heaviness or distention. The needles typically stay in place for 20-30 minutes. This is a perfect time to close your eyes and relax! In addition to needles, we may use additional modalities ranging from electrical stimulation, moxibustion, cupping and/or Chinese medicinal herbs.
Commonly Treated Conditions
• Psychological issues - stress, anxiety, depression
• Pain - general muscular pain, headache, fibromyalgia, etc. • Gynecological issues - dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility • Respiratory problems - asthma, sinusitis, allergies, etc Acupuncture is a comprehensive medical system that addresses many medical concerns on its own and can also be used effectively in conjunction with western medicine. |
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